Trusted Shops Excellent Shop Award Trusted Shops Excellent Shop Award Trusted Shops Excellent Shop Award Trusted Shops Excellent Shop Award Trusted Shops Excellent Shop Award Trusted Shops Excellent Shop Award
  • Strong service
    Shops with the Excellent Shop Award stand for a safe and pleasant shopping experience for 5, 10, 15 or 20 years.

  • True reliability
    To earn the Trustmark, shops must receive good reviews and fulfil the Trusted Shops quality criteria.

  • Proven security
    Every order is secured by the Trusted Shops Buyer Protection.

"The award had a positive impact on our marketing."

SNOCKS' successful A/B test has confirmed how important it is to integrate trust elements such as the award into advertising. In the future, the Excellent Shop Award will be regularly integrated into SNOCKS' social media adverts.

+118.75% +118.75% +118.75% +118.75% +118.75% +118.75%

higher ROAS for ads displaying the static award on YouTube

+25% +25% +25% +25% +25% +25%

higher ROAS for ads displaying the static award on TikTok

+27% +27% +27% +27% +27% +27%

higher ROAS for ads displaying the animated award on YouTube

To the SNOCKS Customer Story