How to write texts to boost your business
Writing content for your business is more than just writing persuasive texts. It is a balancing act between technical work, attention to detail, and creativity.
In this webinar, we'll have a look at the different kinds of content you can create to help drive sales. We'll also learn about some of the most important do's and don'ts to keep in mind in order to see success.

Alon Eisenberg,
Trusted Shops
Alon has been the Content Manager UK/RoW since 2017. Graduating from Boston University with a degree in communications in 2004, Alon has worked in many different industries, but has always loved balancing the science and art of copywriting.

Lucinda Browne,
Trusted Shops
Lucinda is the Performance Marketing Manager at Trusted Shops. She is the moderator of the webinar and introduces the presenter and collects questions to be answered at the end of the webinar.