Product Reviews

Product reviews are vital at many stages of the customer journey. From the first impressions made with star ratings in Google to your product pages, product reviews help your customers see why they should make their purchase with your business.

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Product pages with social proof

Benefit from real product reviews as a virtual recommendation for potential customers.

More customers, higher conversion rates, and stronger customer loyalty. Sound good? 

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From a product search on Google through the checkout, positive reviews play a decisive role

Reviews are the most important factor in the online customer journey. Make sure you use this conversion driver!

Trusted Shops offers numerous tools to help you effectively and continuously collect genuine product reviews. You can easily import existing ones, too.

You have a lot to offer - show it

Our product review widgets offer a variety of display options to stay in line with your website's design. 

Increase your online visibility with star ratings in organic search results - not just in paid ads.

Google Integration creates the basis for using your rating stars for both SEO and SEA campaigns. By the way: Trusted Shops is one of the few Google-certified reviews partners.

displaying product reviews displaying product reviews displaying product reviews displaying product reviews displaying product reviews displaying product reviews
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Product reviews help shops reduce their return rate

Thanks to product reviews, your customers know exactly what to expect from your products, which helps decrease your return rate.

This user-generated content also ensures that your site's visitors find social proof without needing to look elsewhere, thereby reducing your bounce rate.

Stars also have an impact on your Google product ads, where they generate more clicks and drive more trusting shoppers to your business.

Keep an overview

You can customise review invitations so they go out at the perfect moment, increasing the chances of getting positive customer feedback. Stay close to your customers by tracking all the feedback in your Review Inbox. 

Our team will help you integrate product reviews into your shop.

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Gain the trust of your audience with
Trusted Shops Product Reviews

Show your transparency and professionalism with product reviews from Trusted Shops.
Our team can prepare a customised offer for your business.

product reviews and service reviews product reviews and service reviews product reviews and service reviews product reviews and service reviews product reviews and service reviews product reviews and service reviews

The unbeatable duo:
Product Reviews & Service Reviews

Service reviews inform your potential customers about the quality of your shop, delivery, and customer service. With Trusted Shops, they're created authentically by your most important critics: previous customers.

Use this conversion driver throughout the entire customer journey, from their initial Google search all the way to the checkout page. 

Do you have any more questions?

Find the answers in our Help Centre.

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Easy Integration

Of course, we want to make it as easy as possible for you.
For many popular e-commerce platforms, you can simply switch on our product. It's almost as easy as turning on a light switch. Our Trustbadge® makes it possible!

Want to learn more about our Easy Integration?

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