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    15 Minutes of Marketing Per Day Can Do the Trick

    Are you a small business owner with a lot on your plate? Check out how 15 minutes of marketing per day can really help your business!

    3min. read  |  12/09/17

    7 Email Marketing Stats You Need to Know

    Here are seven interesting statistics about e-mail marketing brought to you by Trusted Shops!

    3min. read  |  03/09/17

    Running a Social Media Contest for Your Website

    Thinking about running an online contest for your online business? Here are some tips to consider to make sure you get the most out of it.

    4min. read  |  25/08/17

    How to Design a Successful E-commerce Website Your Customers Will Love

    Guest blogger Alessandra Maino from 99 Designs will share some tips on creating beautiful websites to enhance the customer experience and increase sales.

    4min. read  |  18/08/17

    9 Tips for Small Businesses Starting Online Ad Campaigns

    New to the world of online advertising? There are plenty of ways to do things right... and wrong! Here are 9 tips to get started on the right path!

    3min. read  |  11/08/17

    Abmahnung: The German Legal Warning that Your Company Wants to Avoid

    Entering the German market? Then you should familiarise yourself with Abmahnungs - the German legal warning. What is it exactly and why should you care?

    2min. read  |  24/07/17
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