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    How Online Shops Can Benefit from Great Unboxing Experiences

    Unboxing experiences can boost customer retention while also improving your marketing efforts. Learn more about optimising the unboxing experience.

    5min. read  |  28/02/24

    What is Your Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

    What’s an NPS score? How do you calculate it? And what can you learn from it? Keep reading to find out the answers to all these questions!

    4min. read  |  14/02/24

    What Does a Perfect Product Page Look Like? (+ Examples)

    Having a perfect product page can bring benefits your online shop's conversion rates, SEO, user experience (UX), and brand image.

    7min. read  |  31/01/24

    A Guide to Different Customer Types for Sales & Customer Service

    Knowing your customer is important for conversions and loyalty. Learn about the different customer types for both sales and customer service interactions.

    7min. read  |  17/01/24

    Customer Acquisition Cost: How to Decrease CACs in Your Online Shop

    Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is a key metric for online shops. By decreasing them, you'll make more from your sales and marketing investments.

    9min. read  |  15/12/23

    Content Marketing: Boosting Sales for Online Shops

    Content marketing can pay off for online shops. We’ll explain what content marketing is, how you can benefit from it, and what makes up 'good content'.

    4min. read  |  29/11/23
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