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    Singles' Day Marketing Ideas for the Biggest Shopping Day of the Year

    Singles' Day has become the biggest shopping day of the year, even outperforming Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined! Should your business take part?

    4min. read  |  20/09/23

    Reducing the Return Rate in the Online Fashion Industry

    No industry deals with returns as much as the fashion industry. Let's have a look at some ways that fashion and clothing retailers can reduce returns.

    5min. read  |  13/09/23

    7 Easy E-Commerce Growth Hacks (2023 Update)

    Growth hacks by definition will help your company grow without much effort. We've collected 7 tips for you to improve your online shop's performance.

    4min. read  |  08/09/23

    Why Do Online Shops Pay for a Review Platform?

    Reviews are the social proof that your online shop is trustworthy. With so many free options out there, why do online shops pay for a reviews platform?

    5min. read  |  06/09/23

    Halloween Marketing: Tips and Inspiration for Your Online Shop

    Halloween is around the corner! Did you know that Halloween marketing can be done for your business with a small budget. We’ve got some tips for you!

    5min. read  |  16/08/23

    How to Get More Repeat Customers for Your Online Business

    Getting repeat customers back into your online business is an important element of your e-commerce success. How can you boost repeat business?

    6min. read  |  09/08/23
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