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    How Fulfillment Impacts Brand Reputation & Trust in E‑commerce

    Explore how excellent fulfilment boosts e-commerce trust and brand reputation with key insights from byrd, a leading fulfilment provider.

    6min. read  |  02/08/23

    7 Tips for Improving the Customer Service of Your Online Shop

    In this article, you'll learn what you need to know about customer service in e-commerce and how to efficiently improve the one in your online shop.

    5min. read  |  19/07/23

    Retargeting Ad Campaign Strategies: Tips for Optimisation

    Whether you’re new to retargeting ads or not, we’ll share our best tips for making the most out of your campaigns.

    6min. read  |  12/07/23

    Artificial Intelligence in SEO: What's its Role in 2023 and Beyond?

    Artificial intelligence has the potential to be a game changer for marketing and SEO efforts. What can your online shop can do to get the most out of AI?

    4min. read  |  05/07/23

    What Is SEA and How Can Your Business Benefit From It?

    What is SEA? In this article, we’ll introduce you to search engine advertising (SEA) and explain how your business can benefit from it.

    4min. read  |  28/06/23

    What is A/B Testing and Why Your Online Shop Should Be Doing It

    When it comes to optimising your website, making the right decision isn't always easy. That’s where A/B testing can really help you make the right call.

    6min. read  |  14/06/23
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