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    Why Your Online Shop Needs Product Reviews

    On the fence about implementing product reviews in your shop? Learn why they are vital to your website (hint: it's about more than just building trust)!

    6min. read  |  16/06/21

    E-Commerce Customer Service: In-house or Contact Centre?

    As your online shop grows, should you hire your own customer service team or outsource those jobs? Learn about the pros and cons of both options.

    5min. read  |  09/06/21

    How to Use Project Management Software to Grow Your Online Shop Faster

    Whether you are just getting started with an online shop or taking the next step, project management is important element to your company's growth!

    4min. read  |  02/06/21

    5 Ways to Tell That Your Customers Love You

    Customer loyalty is imperative to your shop's long-term success. How do you know if your customers truly love your shop? Here are 5 signals to look for!

    2min. read  |  10/05/21

    Make Your Website Accessible for the Blind and Visually Impaired

    If your vision is good, you've probably never really struggled with browsing the web. For people with visual impairments, it can actually be quite...

    4min. read  |  26/04/21

    What is Advocacy Marketing?

    Getting your most loyal customers to advocate for your brand directly can really help build trust with new customers! Continue reading for some tips!

    3min. read  |  14/04/21
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