Display Star Ratings in Google Organic Search Results
Displaying star ratings in Google's search results can boost click-through rates. Learn how to get seller and product ratings to appear in organic results.
Using love to increase sales doesn't sound like the most romantic thing in the world. Trust and commitment, on the other hand, are important for all sorts of relationships, including customer relationships. Here are five ways to tell that your customers love you.
People who have fallen in love with your shop will be happy to have another look. It pays to build up a loyal customer base as this is usually cheaper than acquiring new customers. Keep your promises, impress them with good service, and treat your customers to vouchers and occasional discounts – it's the best way to establish a successful long-term relationship.
Shutterstock/Andrii Yalanskyi
Positive customer reviews are an unmistakable sign that people love your shop. As gratifying as it is to read praise, it should nevertheless be mentioned that critical voices or suggestions for improvements are also a sign of affection. Anyone who takes the effort to actively engage with your company generally intends to continue buying from you.
Try to resolve the criticised issue and explain your actions with a public response to the review. Turning a negative review into a display of your customer service can benefit you more than most (simple) positive reviews.
When consumers select payment in advance as their form of payment, it is a sign that they trust your company and are confident that the goods will arrive or, in the case of a cancellation, that you will promptly provide them with a refund without any hassle.
The fact that customers make use of a protection for their purchase (e.g. the Trusted Shops Buyer Protection or protection offered by PayPal) is not evidence of mistrust but instead simply a common security measure in modern e-commerce. The protection options increase the overall level of trust in online retail and therefore also your shop.
If people are really enthusiastic about something, they'll be happy to share it. The best place for this is social media.
Nothing could be better than people commenting positively about your shop or posting a picture of an item voluntarily and without financial interests. This is where a certain feature of social media comes in handy: Most people want to present their life in a positive light. This includes purchases they are happy with.
People who like your online shop want to learn more about it, stay informed about new product releases, and keep updated on sales.
A newsletter subscription is a clear signal that people want to stay loyal to your shop. Now, it's up to you (and your email team) to make them realise why they want to. Be careful not to spam them with too many emails and offer them real value.
These are some of the most common signals that your customers love shopping with you. The customer experience is important for this, so make sure you constantly optimise your website, marketing, and other branded experiences.
This article was originally published and adapted from our German blog: 5 Merkmale, an denen Sie erkennen, dass Ihre Kundschaft Sie liebt
10/05/21Displaying star ratings in Google's search results can boost click-through rates. Learn how to get seller and product ratings to appear in organic results.
Mother’s Day marketing is something you simply shouldn't ignore! If you run a business, Mother’s Day is a great opportunity to make some sales.