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    7 Tips for Improving the Customer Service of Your Online Shop

    In this article, you'll learn what you need to know about customer service in e-commerce and how to efficiently improve the one in your online shop.

    5min. read  |  19/07/23

    How to Optimally Respond to Reviews for Your Shop

    Let's look at how to react to positive, negative and neutral customer reviews and thus strengthen your brand.

    3min. read  |  23/02/23

    How Online Food Companies Can Proactively Instil Trust Among Customers

    E-commerce food businesses are now an essential part of many people’s lives. As the industry grows, how can your food company instil trust among shoppers.

    4min. read  |  16/09/22

    3 Questions Shoppers Ask When Assessing a Shop’s Trustworthiness 

    Assessing a shop’s trustworthiness can be a difficult task for any shopper. Here are three questions shoppers ask themselves when visiting an unknown...

    3min. read  |  18/05/22

    Increasing Customer Loyalty: Stats & Tips

    If you want to be successful in the long-term, acquiring new customers is one thing, but you’ll have to master the art of customer loyalty as well!

    5min. read  |  08/04/22

    Why Only Collecting Reviews Isn't Enough Anymore

    Reviews are no longer enough to convey trust and reliability in the online shopping world. Learn what else your e-commerce business can do to build trust!

    3min. read  |  21/02/22
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